Restoration of trust Process

Providing a safe space for those who wish to discuss their experience of CervicalCheck

This website is to provide you with information about the Restoration of Trust process. Please know that Restoration of Trust meetings does not engage in any form of compensation or monetary matters. We are here to offer a space for people who wish to discuss their experiences, get information and ask questions.

We are here to help anyone who was affected by the events surrounding CervicalCheck in 2018.

Our team came together because of recommendations that were made by Dr. Scally and Mr. Justice Meenan. You can read more about our background here.

We have been working with the 221+ Patient Support Group to find out how we can help the most.  

One of the things we have done so far, is to work with all of the stakeholder groups and organisations to talk about how trust can be restored. You can read more about that process here

We would now like to find out from everyone who is eligible how we can best support and help them.  

The people eligible for this are:

  • women who were part of the Review of Cervical Screening and whose review findings were discordant;
  • women whose slides were sought to be part of the Review of Cervical Screening process but whose slides could not be re-examined due to circumstances beyond the control of the woman concerned;
  • women who were part of the retrospective CervicalCheck cytology clinical audit and whose cytology review findings were discordant with those of the original cytology or
  • the dependents of a woman who has passed away but would have been eligible to apply under one of the above categories.
Please note, as per the Civil Liability Act 1961, a dependant is defined as a spouse, co-habitant, civil partner (within the meaning of the Civil Partnership and Certain Rights and Obligations of Cohabitants Act 2010), parent, grandparent, step-parent, child, grandchild, step-child, brother, sister, half-brother or half-sister of the deceased.

About Your Space

If you would like to talk about your experiences, and if you are eligible, we would like to help you find a space that will work best for you.

There is no set format for this, as it is based on each individual’s experience. However, we have created a guide process so that you can see how this might work. You can read more about that here.

We will be open and honest with you at all times. If there is something that we think we cannot achieve, we will talk to you about this and discuss your options with you. 

Our team is completely independent, and we have been appointed independently to our roles. We are experts in work like this, but you are the expert on your experience. 

We are here to guide you through the choices you would like to make, if any. If you would like to speak with us, we will help to support you in your choices and decisions. 

It is important to note that these meetings are confidential and the Act provides protections. You can find more about these here.



You can read more about our purpose and our vision here