Take the Survey and Register your Interest

The recommendations that led to our team being formed were made on behalf of the people affected by the events of 2018. You can read more about the recommendations here.

If you are one of those people, we would now like to hear directly from you. We would like to find out if you are interested in participating in this process. If you are, we would also like to know how we can best support you to do this. Please take our survey so that we can make our processes as supportive as possible.

Take the Survey
We would like to hear from the people that the meetings are intended for so that they can be set up to be as effective as possible.
Please complete the short survey below for us to improve the development of this service.

The closing date for this survey is Sunday, 21st January 2024.

Participation in this survey is entirely voluntary and is completely anonymous. We will not ask for or retain any of your personal information when you complete the survey. Please do not include any personal details, such as the names of any individuals that you would like to meet with. You have the right to withdraw at any time during the survey by simply closing the browser window. Any and all information you provide will be strictly confidential.

By clicking ‘Start’, I confirm the following:
  • I have read and understood the information above.
  • I understand that my participation is voluntary and that I am free to withdraw from answering the questions at any time, without reason.
  • I agree to take part in the survey.
Register your interest
We have prepared a guide to how a meeting might work which you can read here. We want to hear from you and build this around what you want before we finalise our processes. If you are interested in a meeting and would like to know when you can apply, please register your interest below and we will contact you when we are ready to take applications.